Toronto Baptist Seminary 130 Gerrard Street East. Toronto, Ontario, M5A 3T4. Telephone: (416) 925-3263. Fax: (416) 925-8305 ... Continue until you pass the CN tower (unmistakable!) Soon after, look out for the Jarvis Street ...
Neighbourhood Information Post Children's Aid Society of Toronto Toronto Branch East Office Address: 15 Huntley St, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2K9 Intersection: Jarvis St-Bloor St E...
UNITED WAY MEMBER AGENCY LISTING 440 Jarvis St. Toronto ON M4Y 2H4 Phone: (416) 924-1164, Homes First Society 90 Shuter St., E.,... Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto...
Neighbourhood Information Post South Riverdale Child Parent Centre Address: 765 Queen St E, Toronto, ON, M4M 1H3 ... Intersection: Jarvis St-Queen St E Office phone: 416-214-9898...
Catholic Children's Aid Society, Toronto Catholic Children's Aid Society, Toronto... Located at 82 Bond Street, south of Dundas Street, west of Jarvis Street. A gas lit mod-Victorian home and...
Seneca Aboriginal Student Services 145 Front Street East, Suite 101 (4 blocks east of Jarvis Street) Toronto... GIZHAADAAWGAMIK CHILD CARE CENTRE 935 Dundas Street East Toronto, ON M3M 2W5...
