Snowball Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Climate modeling by Dick Peltier at the University of Toronto explains that a low latitude glaciation on the snowball earth scale is not plausible in terms of energy balance and general circulation ...
Wrangell Mountain Glaciers Calkin, P.E., Barclay, D.J., and Wiles, G.C., 1998, Holocene coastal glaciation, Alaska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, National Meeting, Toronto, v. 30.
Blackwell Synergy: Basin Research, Vol 16, Issue 3, pp. 297-324: The ... ... is homologous to anomalies in Australia, Canada and Namibia that precede the Marinoan glaciation. ... Raasch ), pp. 865– 894. University of Toronto Press, Toronto . ...
Toronto's Ice Age Soil and rocks were scooped off the Canadian Shield and deposited over southern parts such as Toronto. Many causes have been suggested for the Pleistocene Glaciation and others ...
Homepage These maps are based on predictions generated from a model of glaciation-induced sea-level ... being held by Proudman Oceanographic Laboratories and the Universities of Durham and Toronto
