Lie Detector Roulette ... like himself who blame flawed polygraph results for derailing their careers -- as well as a host of reputable scientists, like John Fuerdy of the University of Toronto, who dismiss lie detectors as no ...
John J Furedy - Polygraph Tests Lie Detectors Lie (Tell the CIA) New York Times (1995) Paper on the North American Polygraph and Psychophysiology (1996) Response to a criticism of 1993 ...
Science Fiction Writer Robert J. Sawyer: Interview: Terence M. Green Martin's Press has just released his first novel in hardcover. Barking Dogs is a police thriller set in a near-future Toronto where infallible lie detectors Barking Dogs are everywhere.
Deception Blog » Lie-catchers More details on the Antipolygraph Blog , where John Furedy (University of Toronto) has posted a ... relevant point in studies where attempts are made to unravel the strategies used by good lie detectors.
The Polygraph is Inaccurate Lie Detectors Lie ... Furedy, a physchologist at the University of Toronto. But a footnote explains that he had a co ...
Web site development & design, ecommerce, database programming ... The proprietor Dr. Michael Martin "The Lie Detector Guy" has been a polygraph examiner since the 1980's and has completed over 6000 examinations of all...
The North American Polygraph As Entrails Reading: Some Home Truths ... The North American Polygraph (NAP) or "lie detector" offers a tempting technology for such situations... Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto...
SALON Daily Clicks: Newsreal She'd just flunked a routine FBI lie-detector exam question about whether she used ... at the University of Toronto who has written widely on the subject...
Skeptics Canada: Skeptical Topics: Why you shouldn't take Lenny ... Why you shouldn't take Lenny Briscoe's Lie-Detector Test, by Eric McMillan... the reading of entrails," University of Toronto psychologist John Furedy...
Marion Jones tells BALCO founder to take lie detector test We are even willing to fund the lie detector examination, says Jones... bench in the fourth quarter to lead the Toronto Argonauts to a 31-27 victory over...
