Canadian Obituary Links - Ontario Jan's Ontario Obituary Collection. Ottawa - The Ottawa Citizen - Births. Prescott - The Prescott Journal ... Toronto - The Toronto Star (Searchable) Toronto - Toronto Sun (click region, choose catgory)
Philadelphia inquirer obituary 6708: 6771: Cleveland plain dealer obituary: Toronto star obituary: Obituary poem: Philadelphia obituary: New york obituary: Hartford courant obituary: Kc star obituary
Menya Wolfe built cancer support network Ms Wolfe was born in Hamilton and moved to Toronto as a child. Here she joined the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group of artistic, independent people.
LECOURS WOLFSON News Archives LEO LECOURS OBITUARY Toronto Star, June 16, 2002; A FINE BALANCE - Events of September 11 affect employment in Canada's hotels in ...
Phoebe Gilman's Place - The Events Toronto Star Obituary. Monday, October 21,2002 "Phoebe Gillman brought her stories to life" By Ashante Infantry. Click here to view article. The Globe and Mail Obituary
Earle Birney, Criticism About Birney loved life too much to court only Muse (Obituary). Toronto Star, September 9, 1995 pg L4. Earle Birney helped Canadian literature mature (Obituary)...
Deces en ligne - Obituaries on line Avis de deces en ligne / Online obituaries... **Toronto Star - cfoisy, ** Chronicle Journal - Thunder Bay - rita... CANADA'S NATIONAL OBITUARY SERVICE...
Mike Wise's Obituary Mike Wise's Obituary. Here is Mike Wise's obituary, as it appears on page B7 of the August 1st, 1998 edition of the Toronto Star...
JWA - Bobbie Rosenfeld—Bibliography "Athlete of Half-Century Bobbie Merely Eases Up." Toronto Star 8 Dec. 1966... Obituary. Globe and Mail 15 Nov. 1969. Toronto Historical Board...
The Shadowy Site On A Shadowy Web - The Toronto Star's Obituary ... The Toronto Star's Obituary for Reid Diamond... St. Olave's Anglican Church, 360 Windermere Ave., Toronto (just south of Bloor, east of the Jane subway)...
